This is part 1 of 2 of my interview with Lloyd Dyck, CEO of Brett Young. Brett Young is truly unique because it is family owned and provides a a very diversified product line to the marketplace. In this video Lloyd discusses how the future growth of the company is in biologicals like PodCeal and Bio Boost and how it leverages strategic relationships to build the business. Lloyd is a well respected strong businessman who has a tall task to compete against very large competitors like Monsanto, Bayer and Viterra. As Lloyd mentions in the video, Brett Young has found success by leveraging their strong relationships with like minded companies like Miller Chemical and DL Seeds.
Part 1 of 2 Lloyd Dyck CEO Brett Young -The Future Success at Brett Young is in Biologicals and Leveraging Strong Strategic Relationships
RealAg Radio: Trade talks, screwworm, and cattle market volatility, Feb 5, 2025
Thanks for tuning in to this mid-week edition of RealAg Radio. Host Shaun Haney has the latest from CattleCon down in San Antonio where Lyndsey Smith speaks with: Dennis Laycraft and Nathan Phinney of Canadian Cattle Association on the expected tough trade talks to persist over the next 24-months; Colin Woodall, CEO of the National…
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