Talking to hog producers in Manitoba, there is a real head scratching issue taking place. Hog producers are strongly criticizing the provincial government for not stepping up to compensate hog farmers for this terrible economic environment. The province think that it is a Federal government issue but others disagree. My friend journalism friend Harry Siemens has a great audio monologue about how H1N1 has really affected producers in the short term but also has long term consumer affects. In Harry’s opinion the provincial government must step up and create a strong stability program to help hog farmers leave the business while enticing others to commit long term. Please check out Harry’s commentary.
Hog Support is a Struggle in Manitoba
CFIA Releases Statement on XL Foods Plant Shutdown
As reported last night, CFIA has decided to suspend the license of XL Foods temporarily until the plant implements some corrective actions to mitigate the risk of E. coli. According to the CFIA Statement: The detection of E. coli in slaughter facilities is not uncommon, and plants are expected to have adequate measures in place to monitor…
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