Now that we have flipped the calendar into 2010 we can leave 2009 behind us and look forward to a year of prosperity for ranchers and cattle feeders right? I’m not sure if it is that easy but it seems that the flip to the new decade has brought some fresh optimism and willingness to give it another turn. The question lies in whether this will be a turn for the worse or the profitability recovery we all desire.
In past discussion we have identified the slow demand in the middle meats as a real challenge for the industry but will that turn around in 2010? Do higher cattle prices lead to higher profitability? What kind of profitability will the cattle packing industry expect this year?
Anne Dunford and I discuss the 2010 outlook in this edition of the Beef Market Update.
Let us know what you think will happen in 2010 and what you think needs to happen for this to be a better year in the cattle business.