The Western Canadian wet weather has proved many challenges but one things is certain, soil compaction is going to be a massive challenge to manage depending on your soil type. The upcoming fall may even bring the strongest of no-tillers to the dark side for one season and force them to till the ground to reduce the compaction impact for 2011 seeding.
One way to better manage your compaction impact during this season is to consider the tires that you are using on your tractors and other farm machinery. This is definitely the year to make sure that you have adequate flotation and minimizing the impact of your equipment. Not only does proper floatation prevent the compaction impact but also will prevent you from burying the tractor in the mud every 100 feet.
At the Farm Progress Show in Regina I chatted with Shawn Lunn, Michelin Tires about the proper selection of tires when the field conditions are very wet.
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