Have you ever heard the saying that information is power? Having information at your fingertips when you ned to make very important business decisions is critical to the success of your farm or ag-business. With the increase in crop protection product skews and the introduction of generics into the marketplace, it is more challenging than ever to wade through all the information at spraying time.
Warren Libby has catalogued every single formulation available to Canadian Farmers and is providing this information to subscribers of SavvyFarmer.com. Farmers can search for the right product choice by entering weeds to control and even view pictures (over 1500 in the database) of the targeted weeds and diseases to ensure proper identification. One of the greatest features is the ability to compare the suggested retail prices of the products and also access the manufacturer’s loyalty program. In the advanced feature you can even enter your farm information and manage the cost per acre based on the selected application rates you enter.
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