Can you imagine 300 bushel corn? I asked an industry person this question this week and he said, “I didn’t think that 200 bushel corn was possible.” After being at the South West Ag conference this week, it might surprise you that all the discussed yield increase is not just in genetic advancements. Several different researchers and agronomists that I chatted with are talking as much about improvements to agronomic knowledge and tactics as genetics. One of the issues that I know producers have is that if demand does not rise 300 bushel corn does nothing but lower prices and farm income. That’s something we will explore more in the future.
At the Southwest Agricultural Conference I talked to Dr. Fred Below from the University of Illinois about his claim that 300 bushel corn is real. Through technologies like stacked traits and advancements in agronomy Dr. Below told me he thinks we are just scratching the surface of what the corn plant may be capable of.
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