Whats Your Opinion of Gerry Ritz as Canada’s Ag-Minister?


In the last year I have been fortunate to travel across the country talking to farmers and ag-stakeholders about our Canadian agricultural industry.  One of the topics that I have observed is the opinion of the job that Gerry Ritz is doing as the Canadian Agriculture Minister.

It is my perception that the opinion of his job so far in this role is below expectations and some would argue that he is not effective.

  • When I talk to Ontario farmers many times they say, “Ritz only cares about Western Canadian issues.”
  • When I talk to left wing Western Canadian farmers they say, “Ritz is all about protecting the interests of big farms.”
  • When I talk to right wing Western Canadian farmers they say, “Ritz has been ineffective extinguishing the single desk of the Canadian Wheat Board.”
  • A couple Canadian ag-media have said to me that, “Ritz is just about, blah blah blah”

I know that this is not how all farmers or stakeholders feel but it is what I have listened to and observed.  Personally I think there is some needed criticism of Gerry Ritz but at the same time there have been some good like the EU free trade agreement as well.  Some would argue that because many groups appear to be dissatisfied, then he is doing his job properly. Or is he just receiving the brunt of the fact that people upset are with politicians in general.


Based on the simple fact RealAgriculture.com has readers from across Canada, I would like to get your opinion.  Please vote in the poll below and lets see what our readership thinks.



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