Archie Wilson, C&M Seeds Discusses the Concerns of the Processor in Strong Value Chains


In agriculture we constantly talk about the value chain all the time.  Do stakeholders all understand the value chain requirements from other stakeholders point of view. In my opinion not usually. I think most understand the value chain from their own perspective and not others. An additional comment would be that if you want to know what certain stakeholders are doing or not doing then just ask another member of the value chain. Its along the similar lines of the plumber giving you his opinion on how good of a job the electrician is doing on a building project.

At the South West Ag Conference I sat down with Archie Wilson from C&M Seeds and discussed his opinions on the value chain. Archie sits in an interesting position due to the fact the company he works for is in involved in multiple levels of the ag value chain. I asked Archie the following questions:

  1. What are the main concerns of the processor in participating in strong value chains?
  2. How do you think the processor views consistency of product with changing conditions every year?
  3. What are the opportunities for identity preserved programs in Canada?
  4. How important is something like falling number to wheat bakers and processors?

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