Its Time For Us to Go Oprahless


By Due to the fact that my flight was delayed for three hours in the Calgary airport on my way to Denver for the NCBA 2011 annual convention I found the Rocky Mountain Lounge to get in an afternoon of work. Beside my work station was a giant plasma tv that had on the Oprah show. Now I will admit that I am not at all a fan of Oprah in the least but she had on the nemesis of agriculture Michael Pollan. Essentially Oprah challenged her audience to consider more of a vegan diet. Obviously I disagree with the thought of not eating meat as a part of a healthy diet but there are several thoughts and questions that came to mind during the show.

Is it purely coincidence that the “innocent and pure” Oprah makes her vegan statement with her tag team partner Pollan on the eve of the largest cattle industry convention in the world? The NCBA convention is in Denver this week which is where 6000 delegates will gather to discuss the beef industry. Her loyal followers will say, “not Oprah…she is just looking out for the best for her audience.” Well I will call bullshit on that one. No coincidence here because this all about attention and hype.

Why is that America continues to take health advice from Oprah (notoriously always overweight), Suzanne Somers (I don’t know where to start), and Michael Pollan (a journalist trying to pretend he is a doctor)? Why do we not listen to the facts presented by globally acclaimed food scientist Bruce German that meat is a very good option in a balanced diet. Oh wait I forgot about the ever so bright Alicia Silverstone who constantly promotes her vegan diet on Oprah and other tv shows. Alicia’s claims are purely anecdotal and fly in the face of scientific research done by PhD’s and not actresses. I guess I forgot that we also look to Jenny McCarthy for advice on autistic children because she has written a book claiming immunization causes the disease. Why does the American public hold people like Suzanne Somers, Oprah and others in a regard that we think they are the authority on subjects. I guess it’s no surprise, when many North American’s consider watching Entertainment Tonight or TMZ as getting the “news.”

The fact that Oprah thinks eating eggs from chickens that got to listen to music makes her any better than the rest of us is laughable to me. Oprah is just another spokesman fighting against agriculture with this elitist attitude of “I can afford it.” Do you seriously think that very many consumers care whether their food listened to music?  I think this shows how out of touch Oprah is with the common consumer.  Another fallacy is that free range chickens are some how better for you is the biggest misnomer ever as well. I would challenge Oprah to follow around a free range chicken for a day and check out what they eat. Sorry I would much rather eat chicken that is fed a healthy diet prescribed by a nutritionist and not a chicken that eats dog shit. On another note is it not strange to you that Oprah and Pollan are against chickens being fed prescribed diets and yet humans that eat strict plant diets is somehow the answer. Just like free range chickens, humans want options and therefore trying to force me to not eat meat does seem hypocritical on Oprahs part.

I am sure that many of my beef producing friends in Canada and the United States are going to try and educate Oprah. They will reach out to her and say lets talk. They will try to get her to understand what is happening inside the beef business and how we really do care for our animals and that beef is nutritious. To that I say you are wasting your time. This is a great way for Oprah to create buzz for her OWN network that was recently launched in the US. Over time Oprah has moved from talking about real personal family issues to nothing more than a PR junkie interviewing friendly celebrities and giving gifts to the audience.  Two weeks ago Oprah is discussing her love for chocolate on Piers Morgan and this week she is promoting being vegan.  I don’t think she knows what she believes.


Instead I am going to suggest that we quit watching the Oprah show and also we take a stand and not subscribe to her new OWN network on cable. On top of this we should quit watching her band of cronies like Dr. Phil, Dr. OZ, and Rachel Ray. Agriculture it is time that we speak and say no more of this lunacy. Oprah is not our friend and never will be. She is more activist than journalist just like Michael Pollan.

America wake up and realize that Oprah doesn’t really care about you. Don’t worry she won’t notice if you don’t listen to her. And besides if she does by chance ask you about it, tell her the truth and say, I LOVE BEEF!!!!!!!!!



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