Canola School: Manitoba Flooding Impacting Canola Acres and Plans


Mother nature is really proving that she does not have a sense of humour. We have drought in Peace River, very wet conditions in Saskatchewan and flooding in Manitoba. The weather adversity impacting canola growers across the west is extremely serious and could have significant implications for the total production in 2011.  For the farmers that can plant there are considerations of growing more canola, seeding before burn-off and already thinking about the potentially challenging harvest.  Nobody said that farming is easy but potentially losing your farmland for several years or not being able to seed really puts a new top on frustration and adversity.

In this weeks episode of the Canola School, we met with Barry Friesen, Delta Ag Services based in Portage La Prairie.  Barry explains the challenges facing producers.  The pictures from the flooded areas really show you the impact that the water is having on farmers ability to get a crop in the ground.

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