If you thought that the Land Stewardship Act (Bill 36) was crazy well you have to check out what Keith Wilson, Wilson Law Office is saying about Bill 50. In an effort to export power to the United States the Alberta government is going to over build the transmission infrastructure inside this province. Also note that this alleged overbuild is bigger than the infrastructure required in Ontario which is a much larger province. Who is going to pay for this you ask? Well you are.
According to Keith Wilson, industrial users of power within the province are going to see their power bills as much as triple and still the transmission lines will be owned by the line companies. It does not take much common sense to realize that your farm is going to impacted directly and indirectly. Your pivot and hog barn will cost more to operate and the factories, mills, and processors within the province will be passing their new added utility costs down onto your farm.
The real beans were spilled last week when a WikiLeaks cable was released that exposed the reasons for this significant infrastructure overbuild. Even Ted Morton the Bill 36 creator has decided that Alberta should re-evaluate Bill 50.
In my latest discussion with Keith Wilson he continues to expose the current Alberta Government’s carelessness in protecting the agricultural community.
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See more links on Bill 50
Wikileaks Shines Light on Alberta’s $16-Billion Electricity Scandal
Business leaders get concerned about Heartland Transmission Line
Ted Morton reconsiders position on Bill 50