Beef Market Update: Balancing Volatility & Strong Fundamentals


Understanding the cattle market right now can be a real head-scratcher if you don’t know what to pay attention to. Trying to determine the factors influencing the wild market swings is like chasing the wind. There are a number of outside factors all exerting some kind of influence from unstable overseas markets to inside bids by major purchasers.

The fact is that there can be a period in a market cycle where a storm of volatility can come up. The key to riding out the storm is understanding the calm fundamentals at the eye of that storm.  This week on the Beef Market Update we talk to Anne Dunford about the week that was in the cattle markets and the importance of balancing volatility and strong fundamentals.  The volatility shakes out weak traders while the fundamentals show the strong possibility of long term strength in cattle prices.

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Other Episodes

Beef Market Update (view all) Season 3 (2011) Episode 4


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