Just when you think that the CWB issue cannot get stranger….it always does. Interim Liberal leader Bob Rae has written a letter to the Governor General of Canada, David Johnston begging him to get in front of the government steam roller and stop royal assent on Bill C-18 this week.
I’m thinking at this point he should of saved the ink and just written a letter to Santa Claus. As if the Governor General of Canada will touch this request or even read the letter. Could you imagine the hysteria if Queen Elizabeth II of England’s representative stepped in to take action on how farmers in Western Canada market their wheat. What’s next letters to Batman or maybe Spiderman?
There are things about this government that get people upset and in some cases rightly so but no wonder they have a majority. The pro-single desk side and political opposition continue to take awful tact and now they are clearly fighting a battle that is truly impossible to win.
Who would of thought that getting rid of the single desk would cause such a disruption to the political commentary in this country.
In the letter Rae writes,”As the leader of the Liberal Party, I would ask most respectfully that full consideration be given to awaiting final disposition of this matter by the courts before the legislation receives royal assent.”
Last week when I talked to Professor Carissima Mathen from the University of Ottawa and her thoughts were that the judge made an incredibly strange decision based on what was presented which has confused the lines of politics and the law. Having said that maybe the Queen of England putting her foot down would just be another chapte in this crazy CWB Boondoggle ride.