Now that you have probably picked up your pea or lentil inoculant from your retailer, you need to make sure that you are storing it properly on farm. You need to remember that your inoculant is a living biological organism. It needs to be taken care of handled in a proper manner before it is time to go seeding. By not doing so, in extreme cases your inoculant could be virtually useless.
In this episode of the Pulse School, Danielle Fletcher, Becker Underwood discusses the need to store inoculants properly on farm. Whether its keeping inoculants away from direct heat or putting it in a dry place, care needs to be taken so that your inoculant purchase is protected and you are not scrambling to find new product. Product that is damaged will result in deteriorated performance. Whether you have liquid, granular or peat formulations of inoculant you need to take care of it.
If you cannot see the embedded video below click here, to make sure you do not miss any tips on how to properly store your inoculant on farm.