The corn and soybeans are off to a great start in Ontario. Some farmers are concerned that spring has gone “too well” and are waiting for everything too balance out. For those farmers that tend to think more positively, the opportunity for yield is very high this year. Ontario farmers have had ideal planting conditions, warm soil conditions and unquestionably great emergence.
All farmers need now is a little rain and the corn is going to be knee high before you know it. With the plants preparing for high yield, timely rains are going to be critical this summer.
On the left we have a photo that taken on May 17 of corn that was planted on April 16. Like many of the plant stands in Ontario, the young plants are very healthy and are off to a great start.
On the right we have a photo that is of some soybeans being no tilled into wheat that was sprayed out this spring due to excessive winter kill. As we discussed a couple weeks ago, the swing acres in Ontario could be killed winter wheat getting planted to soybeans. With the strong market for soybeans, the decision to switch the wheat to soybeans wasn’t a super tough one this year. No-tilling directly into wheat stand allows more minimal impact on the soil and maintains the soil moisture levels.
A special thank you to Peter Gredig for sending us the pictures from his farm.
If you have any photos or video from your farm this summer we would love to post them to show all our readers and viewers how the crops are progressing. If you want more agronomic information check out the Wheat School, Corn School or Soybean School.