For producers living in areas with a less-than-stable climate, trying to get in to the field to spray can often mean going out before the sun comes up or after the sun goes down. With current GPS technology, spraying in the dark is one option producers can now utilize more effectively than in the past. One of the dangers associated with night spraying is the simple fact of not being able to see if all of your nozzles are working properly. Unfortunately, it’s a problem you won’t notice for a while and by the time you do, it’s too late.
The Applimax Spray Nozzle Lights let you see those problems before they occur. The lights are simple, high intensity LED lights that are mounted close to the spray nozzle and allow the sprayer operator to see any disruption in the spray pattern. The lights can operate normally to illuminate the nozzles or in a strobe pattern to act like a timing light so you can see any problems. I got an up close look at the lights from Robert Letkeman of ATI Agritronics.
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