A Look Back at 2012: The Top 10 Videos of the Year


The last few weeks of the year would not be complete without a Top 10 or two. While Shaun Haney and Lyndsey Smith have already weighed in with their thoughts on the top news stories of the year, we thought we’d also offer up what our viewers and readers watched most in 2012.

Without further ado, here are the top videos of 2012 (based on total minutes watched):



  1. Beef Market Update: XL Foods Plant Shutdown
  2. RealLeaders, Ep 3: Daryl Ritchie
  3. Supply Management Controversy Discussion with Martha Hall Findlay
  4. Beef Market Update: Beef Recall Shakes the Market
  5. Crush Capacity — Is there enough canola to go around — with Mike Jubinville
  6. This year buy certified seed (with Peter Johnson)
  7. RealLeaders, Ep 1: Greg Stewart
  8. Wall to Wall Soybeans…in Saskatchewan?
  9. Wheat School: Seed Drill Comparison
  10. Farm Progress Show: New Versatile Combine


Did your favorite video not make the list? Which one was it?  What do you want to see more of in 2013? Leave a comment!



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