No doubt many farmers, if asked, would tell you that it’s the lifestyle that drew them to farming. That group would also tell you that you have to work hard in order to keep that lifestyle. That means treating your farm like any other business which means long hours away from the family at times, running your business by the numbers, making decisions by what will work, not necessarily what you’re passionate about…wait a minute, didn’t you farm so you could avoid some of that stuff?
The key, as Brent VanKoughnet of Agri-Skills Inc. will tell you, is balance. It’s finding that balance of work and lifestyle that will allow you to keep your farm successful and thriving while leaving you with the passion to get out of bed every morning to do it. It’s also about finding that balance for your employees and building healthy relationships inside and outside your operation.
We caught up with Brent VanKoughnet at FarmTech 2013 to talk to him about finding that balance and what it takes to be the Farm CEO 2.0.
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