Twitter Must-Follows for Eastern Canada


Last week, RealAgriculture sent some Twitter love to a list of  #westcdnag Twitter accounts, based solely on how active the accounts were and whether or not they wore their RealAgriculture free T-shirts. Well, maybe not solely on that, but what we’re trying to do with these lists is just get you some names to get started, not list all of our favourite people (because that list would be too long). Hot on the heels, the masses demanded an Eastern list, which was already in the works, of course, but we wanted to wait for another Follow Friday to post it.

Without further ado, here’s a great list of Ontario and Eastern handles to follow (in no particular order. Sorry if we missed you).

For #OntAg, #AtlCdnAg or #CdnAg:

Peter Johnson — @WheatPete — We have to start with Peter Johnson, OMAFRA wheat specialist and the most passionate man in cereal production. Don’t believe me? Here’s a recent interview about his thoughts on high yield wheat.

Andrew Campbell — @FreshAirFarmer — dairy farmer, former Faces of Farming Mr. November and media-type Andrew Campbell is doing a great job sharing what’s happening in not only Ontario agriculture, but he also often posts great photos of daily life on his farm. Hint: there are cute calf photos galore.

Wayne Black — @WayneKBlack — Just returned from India, Wayne farms in Huron County and is passionate about farming, beginning farming and agvocating. We can’t wait to hear what he learned on his trip.

Philip Shaw — @Agridome— Want to talk markets? What about sports? Get lots (and lots) of both when following Philip.

Peter Gredig — @AgWag — one of the original AgNerds, Pete’s Tweets are quality over quantity. Actually, he’s been Tweeting very little and almost didn’t make this list. Maybe it’s his old BlackBerry Torch giving him grief? Maybe.

Joe Dickinson — @DickensonFarms — Joe is a beef producer and active OFA member based at Oil Springs. He’s always great to chat with about farm management.

Pat Groenhuis — @PatGrotenhuis — A dairy farmer based at Palmerston, Pat is an active ag media type and just about to welcome baby number three. How she manages it all, we’re not sure.

Owen Roberts — @TheUrbanCowboy Owen writes columns about the urban/rural divide from his spot at the University of Guelph. He also writes the Real Talk, Real Action column for

Jim Hair — @OFA1 — Farmer and OFA member based at Picton, Jim is a very active Twitter member and will connect you with many others in Ontario agriculture.

Cedric MacLeod — @LocalValleyBeef — If you want to talk about grass-fed beef, direct marketing, young and beginning farmers and mentoring, Cedric is your man. Based too far away at New Brunswick, Mr. MacLeod would be happy to talk soil, grass or business at any time.

Allison Finnamore — @A_Finnamore — If you’ve ever met Allison, you won’t soon forget her. This instant BFF to all she meets is the editor of FCC’s weekly email and general ag media maven. See also: entertaining.

Canadian Young Farmers’ Forum — @CYFF — The official account of CYFF, which is national, not just eastern, of course. Follow along for excellent sharing of information, plus details on upcoming young farmer events.

PRIDE Seeds – @PRIDESEEDS — Start here, and find several of the PRIDE Seeds team who are very active on Twitter talking corn and soy genetics and management. You’ll also find them in our Corn School and Soybean School.

We also want you to follow @RealAgriculture, @ShaunHaney, @RealAg_Lyndsey and @RealAgVideoGuy, but that should go without saying.

Who did we miss? Who are your favourites and must follows? Please share below!





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