SeedMaster’s FLIP System Prevents Overlap & Seedbed Disturbance


In years gone by, seeding overlap fell into the same category as new vehicle depreciation. It was just something you didn’t think about as you drove off the lot. You still can’t do anything about losing 10 grand as you drive away from the dealership, but you do have some pretty fantastic options when it comes to preventing overlap that are readily available and improving year by year. SeedMaster is one of those companies stepping up their game in when it comes to overlap and input efficiency.

This year at Canada’s Farm Progress Show, SeedMaster introduced a new system geared to work with their Auto Zone Command called the FLIP system. On the company’s website, Owen Kinch of SeedMaster had this to say about how FLIP (Full Last Implement Pass) works: “FLIP is advanced overlap control that automatically shuts off seed and fertilizer the first timeopeners encounter an overlap area,” explains Kinch. “On the second pass through the overlap area, product is applied across the full width of the drill – preventing any disturbance to the planted seedbed without lifting openers.”

Shaun Haney got a better look at how the FLIP system works when he spoke with Owen Kinch at Canada’s Farm Progress Show.

A special thank you to our sponsor of this years CFPS13, Syngenta Canada, Bringing Plant Potential to Life

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