Ask Farmlink: The markets are bearish, how do I manage price risk?


If you’re a farmer who didn’t do much forward selling in the last two years, you’ve likely been very happy with the outcome. If you haven’t priced crop for 2013-14 yet, however, it may not end up not having been such a wise plan.

Many farmers are harvesting a big crop right now, and, at the same time, watching markets fall. It’s not a great spot to be in,  especially if you haven’t used any forward pricing options. While there’s nothing to be done about bearish market factors, there are plenty of things farmers could be doing all season long to guard against prices going the wrong way. In the above SoundCloud interview, Jon Dreidger, of FarmLink Marketing Solutions, walks us through the factors at play now, market seasonality, forward pricing options and the best time to start a marketing plan (hint: now).

For more marketing insight from the Ask FarmLink series, click here.

If you cannot hear the embedded interview, click here.


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