Do you know the soybean cyst nematode levels in fields on your farm? If you’re growing or plan on growing soybeans, you should be testing every field to determine the presence of this pest. After all, it’s the number one pest of soybean in the world.
Horst Bohner, soybean specialist with the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food, says that if farmers haven’t ever tested or haven’t tested in some time, it’s time to do so again. (Click here for a video on how to properly test for it). This pesky nematode can even impact yield without causing any noticeable symptoms on the growing plant, so assuming you don’t have it because you haven’t noticed it is a risky assumption.
See more: Click here for RealAgriculture’s Soybean School
In the video below, you’ll hear how soybean cyst nematode has spread throughout the Ontario soybean growing, what work is being done in surveys to determine levels and types of nematode, plus the two most important management options for dealing with this soybean pest.
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