Soybean School: Go Big or Go Home — Does Intesifying Inputs Pay?


If you’re decided on rates and types of inputs, which do you skip or scale back on if margins become tight? Fungicide? Seed? Fertilizer? Should you cut back at all? The concept of intensively managing corn is widely accepted and researched, but not so with soybeans, so Dr. Dave Hooker and colleagues set out to look at the various ROI of different inputs to see if management intensive soybean production is the way to go.

In this Soybean School, Dr. Dave Hooker, with University of Guelph Ridgetown, discusses what an chunk of “intensification” money will net you in yield and, if you’re not impressed by that number (you won’t be) where to go from there.

Learn More: See more soybean production information with Dr. Dave Hooker here

As he says in the video below, there most certainly are management factors that pay off in bushels, but there are varying responses depending on where you spend your money. Hooker explains how plant population variation and fungicide response dovetails into a decent return on investment, but where nitrogen applications fall completely flat (which is likely not a surprise).

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