This Week on RealAg — A Premier Resigns, CHS Makes a Big Move & Corn for Alberta



Most of the RealAg team. Can you spot Lyndsey in a blizzard? Yes, always.
Most of the RealAg team was in Winnipeg this week for a meeting. Can you spot Lyndsey in a blizzard? Yes, always. (Bern, Shaun, Debra, Lyndsey, L-R)

In a (not very) surprising twist, RealAgriculture editor Lyndsey Smith has decided to do away with a weekly written column and instead cajole her coworkers into an audio wrap up of the week.

In this first audio version of This Week on RealAg, Lyndsey is joined by none other than field editor Debra Murphy. Hilarity ensues, there’s a random cellphone ring, and then a very serious discussion about Alberta premier Alison Redford’s resignation, CHS buying into Western Canada in a big way and public money flowing to private industry. Oh, yes, and they have a wee bit of fun too.

Note: Click here for the RealLeaders episode featuring CHS CEO Carl Casale.

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