The disease pressure landscape changes as the season progresses and from year to year, but there are always the endemic threats that farmers have to manage for. Part of the disease scouting process includes knowing what to look for, including some new or rare pests that could be making their way into your growing region.
In this edition of the Ontario Agronomy Geeks podcast, Albert Tenuta, field crop pathologist with the newly-reunited Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs, discusses the current disease threats to areas of Ontario, but also shares some recent developments on the new disease front.
Get your agronomy geek on with more episodes of this podcast here!
From powdery mildew and rusts, to seedling blight levels and the ever-present fusarium, Tenuta explains where we’re at with various disease, plus discusses the bacterial wheat streak virus. From there, Tenuta offers tips on evaluating fungicide efficacy and steps to conserve fungicide products in the face of rising resistance threats.
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