Soybean School: Do Twin-Fan Nozzles Make a Big Difference?


Double nozzles are necessary to get the best possible coverage of a vertical target, true or false? Turns out, the answer is more likely that third option — the dreaded “it depends.”

In this Soybean School episode, Real Agriculture’s Bernard Tobin is joined by Jason Deveau, Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food spray specialist to recap some recent research done out at Ridgetown, Ont. In this video, you’ll see Deveau explain how double, or twin-fan, nozzles are designed to work, the risk of going too fast or setting a poor angle and, ultimately, if twin-fan nozzles are required to get the best possible spray coverage. As a bonus, he also adds the number one piece of equipment farmers need to judge how well of a spray job they’re doing (hint: it’s tiny and cheap!).

Want more soybean production info? Check out the rest of the Soybean School library here.

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