Pulse School: Diagnosing and Treating Powdery Mildew in Field Peas


Erysiphe pisi, the pathogen that causes powdery mildew in peas, first becomes visible in spots on the upper surface of leaves, particularly those in the lower canopy. Once the fungus infects its host, it is quick to spread, coating the surfaces of plant tissue with a fine, blue-white powder.

powdery mildew peas in greenhousePowdery mildew in peas is largely controlled by the use of resistant varieties. But there are still some susceptible varieties grown today. For these, it is important to understand the symptoms of powdery mildew, and utilize management tactics that may prevent its development.

Related: Pulse School: Recognizing Downy Mildew in Peas & What to do About It

In this Pulse SchoolDeng-Jin Bing, research scientist with Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, talks us through the lifecycle of powdery mildew, explaining when it’s likely to be seen, its potential to cause yield loss, how it can be avoided and at what point producers should consider applying a fungicide.


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