Storing grain in bags has certainly caught on in popularity in recent years, however temporary storage does create one possibly permanent problem — what do you do with the grain bag itself?
Recycling is an option for many grain farmers (re-using it as a slip and slide isn’t typically an option if you’re unloading in February), but the bags need to be relatively clean and are often stored for a length of time before being recycled. We’ve seen some farmers using a hay baler to roll up the bags, but Neeralta’s grain extractor offers a much more efficient option — a winder/roller built into the extractor.
Related: More about Saskatchewan’s grain bag and twine recycling program
In this video, Rob Wierenga, with Neeralta, explains how the winder works, its capacity, how it manages to keep the bags clean (ish), PTO power required and highlights how farmers can stay warm and clean in the cab while the extractor/winder does its job.
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