CWB Announces Third New Elevator Project


The grain company evolving from the former Canadian Wheat Board has announced construction of its third new elevator in Western Canada.

CWB says it’s beginning construction on a 42 thousand metric tonne elevator at Pasqua, Saskatchewan — approximately 10 kilometres east of Moose Jaw on Highway 39.

The facility will be adjacent to the CP Rail line, with a 134-car loop track. It’s scheduled to open in January of 2016.

“Today’s Pasqua announcement has once again strategically expanded CWB’s footprint on the Prairies,” said CWB president and CEO Ian White, in a news release. “It’s also a prime location for CWB, right in the middle of a high production area and with the ability to ship grain both east and west as well as to the south.”

CWB is investing heavily in grain handling infrastructure as it prepares to become a private company. Similar elevator construction projects are also underway at Colonsay, Saskatchewan and Bloom, Manitoba (just west of Portage la Prairie). CWB has also acquired several existing elevators through the acquisition of Prairie West Terminal and Great Sandhills Terminal (which was completed in late August.)

As well, for the first time since laying off hundreds of employees with the end of its monopoly in 2012, CWB is now hiring, looking for managers and operations staff for the new elevators.


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