John Deere’s 2015 S-Series Accentuated by Award-Winning Interactive Combine Adjustment


It was the Interactive Combine Adjustment (ICA) technology that won John Deere an Ag Innovation Award at Agri-Trade this year. ICA was first released in 2014, and is designed to minimize losses, while optimizing straw and grain quality. The operator is offered the choice between single and multiple optimization targets. Then, s/he receives suggestions for possible adjustments, with direct feedback in performance post-adjustment. All from the comfort of the cab.

Another Ag Innovation Award Winner: Haukaas Manufaturing’s Rotating Bale Grapple

John Deere’s new 2015 S680 and S690 combines, are equipped with ICA. And, with tough small grains and rice packages, will feature Active Concave Isolation (ACI), offering increased productivity to the harvest of numerous crops. The entire package, which includes ACI, feederhouse improvements, 8-wing feed accelerator and heavy-duty separator grates with two rows of interrupter bars raises throughput by 20%.

More of our coverage of Agri-Trade ’14

In this video, John Deere’s Ben Jonker shows off some of the new features of the 2015 S-Series, starting at the front of the combine with ICA and the header, moving past the interrupter bars and heavy-duty separator gates, the auger and towards the back, where he briefly touches on residue management.


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