On November 5, at Agri-Trade Expo, BASF announced the release of Compass Grower, a new web-based farm management tool.
The tool was developed by Affinitiy Management Ltd., a partner of Microsoft, and is intended to fully integrate all aspects of farming in their accounting platform, which combines crop, financial and grain marketing management data. With Compass, growers can track crop inputs, production costs, crop pricing, scouting, soil tests and yield targets. It also allows GIS/GPS mapping, equipment data integration (John Deere and CASE IH capture and upload information to the platform), inventory tracking, crop budgeting and grain contract tracking.

We caught up with Neal Dilawri, president of Affinity, at Agri-Trade last week. In the following interview, Dilawri takes us through the Compass, explaining some of the key features, how the data is compiled and how it can be accessed. But perhaps most significant, Dilawri emphasizes the support offered to Compass users, with live customer support. Take a listen: