More than $10 Million in Crop Research Funding Announced in Saskatoon


More than $10 million in government and producer funding for crop-related research was announced during the CropSphere meetings in Saskatoon on Tuesday.

research_greenhouse_uofmAfter announcing $3.3 million for Pulse Canada’s marketing efforts, Federal Agriculture Minister Gerry Ritz joined Saskatchewan Ag Minister Lyle Stewart to pledge almost $6.9 million for 42 crop research projects through the Saskatchewan Agriculture Development Fund (ADF).

“Investments in research have long-term benefits for the agriculture industry, leading to the increased competitiveness of our industry in the global marketplace and better returns for our producers,” noted Stewart. “I look forward to the new tools, knowledge and technology that will result from this year’s ADF projects.”

In addition to the government dollars, many of these projects are also receiving third party funding through producer organizations such as the Western Grains Research Foundation, the Saskatchewan Wheat Development Commission, SaskCanola and the Saskatchewan Pulse Growers. WGRF is the largest co-funder, announcing $4.4 million for 34 crop-related projects on Tuesday.

The projects include studies looking at minimizing oil losses from canola dehulling, enhanced wheat midge resistance, developing herbicide-tolerant mustard, sequencing of special crop rotations, the effectiveness of sub-soil tillage and lentil variety development.

For more information, have a look at the complete list of ADF-funded projects, with the amounts being contributed by co-funders such as WGRF and other commodity organizations.

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