In 2013, the Canadian beef industry initiated efforts to create a comprehensive strategy that identified a vision, mission and priorities for the sector, while aligning key industry players. Today, that work went to print, and The National Beef Strategy was released.
“The need for industry to push itself is now,” said Martin Unrau, co-chair of the National Beef Strategic Planning Group. “The National Beef Strategy will build on and strengthen the foundational pieces of existing work that have enabled the beef industry to grow to date but in a manner which will be more responsive to current and future needs. This will enable chronic issues, like infrastructure and capacity, to be addressed more holistically, and lead to programming to help grow beef demand and bridge to where industry wants to be in the future.”
With the vision of “a dynamic profitable Canadian cattle and beef industry,” The Strategy outlines four key pillars for the next five years:
1) Beef Demand: Increase carcass cutout value by 15%
2) Competitiveness: Reduce cost disadvantages compared to main competitors by 7%
3) Productivity: Increase production efficiency by 15%
4) Connectivity: Enhance synergies within industry and connect positively with consumers, the public, government, and partner industries
In order to meet these goals, the industry aims to work on everything from reducing non-tariff and tariff barriers to export markets and eliminating BSE market access restrictions to gaining consumer confidence and improving access to affordable skilled labour.
“There’s strength in numbers,” said Trevor Atchison, co-chair of the Strategic Planning Group, “and by working together we will build a stronger and more robust industry capable of meeting and responding to the opportunities now and into the future.”
The Strategy’s mission is “to be the most trusted and competitive high quality beef cattle producer in the world recognized for our superior quality, safety, value, innovation and sustainable production methods.”
It was created through a collaborative effort by Canadian national beef sector organizations including the Beef Cattle Research Council, Canadian Beef Breeds Council, Canada Beef Inc., Canadian Cattlemen’s Association (and its provincial member associations), and National Cattle Feeders’ Association. Its mission is
Find Canada’s National Beef Strategy online Full Text | 2-Page Summary | Website
The Beef Straw Man Attempts to Facilitate a Canadian Beef Industry Strategy (2013)
Beef Straw Man Recommendations Report Published (2013)