An increase in soybean crush capacity in North Dakota might benefit growers on the eastern side of the Canadian prairies.
Archer Daniels Midland announced Monday that it is adding soybean crushing capabilities to its plant at Enderlin, North Dakota — less than 100km southwest of Fargo. The facility is currently set up to process canola, flax and sunflowers. In addition, ADM announced it will convert a canola processing line at its plant in Windsor, Ontario into a flex line that can also process soybeans.
“The Enderlin investment will help us capitalize on growing soybean acreage in and around North Dakota, and the Windsor investment will give us the flexibility to adjust our processing mix to optimize the plant’s efficiency and profitability,” said John McGowan, ADM’s president, North American oilseeds.
According to Statistics Canada, 1.3 million acres of soybeans will be planted in Manitoba this year, with another 335,000 acres in Saskatchewan. Most of these soybeans will be shipped south for processing.
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