We’re approaching a critical stage for corn — tasseling — and weather conditions in some areas are conducive to high disease development.

Recently in the Corn School, we’ve talked prioritizing fields for a fungicide application and where and how to scout for leaf disease in corn, but did you know that there’s another factor at play in disease development? Yes! The hybrids you choose have varying resistance levels to certain diseases, namely northern corn leaf blight.
Top Tips for Scouting for Leaf Disease in Corn
How do you know if your hybrid is more or less susceptible to NCLB? As Albert Tenuta, field crop plant pathologist with the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs, explains in this Corn School video, careful scouting is one way to begin to puzzle this out.
Tenuta says that good records of which varieties had higher levels of diseases this year or past years could prove vital to determining which hybrid lines hold up best against this pest. He also updates us on some key, on-going research on this topic. All that in the video below.
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