Wheat School: On, In and Through — Realizing the Full Value of Seed Technology


Is wheat falling behind when it comes to research advancements and attracting investment?

That depends, answers Bryan Gerard, president of Gerard Seed Solutions based in Indiana, if you’re comparing the dollars and cents to totals spent on corn and soy, or comparing the historic value invested in the crop. RealAgriculture’s Bern Tobin caught up with Gerard at the recent wheat industry day with C & M Seeds.

As you’ll hear in the video below, Gerard says that research and innovation dollars earmarked for the wheat crop are at an all-time high, partly due to the value the crop has across many geographies and as a compliment to the corn crop. That said, investment and research has to eventually yield a benefit in order for it to be worth it.

To that end, Gerard discusses where we’re at with regards to fusarium (scab) resistance, hybridity in spring and winter varieites, and, perhaps most interesting right now, the incredible value in on-the-seed technology. From disease control, to nutrient delivery, to insect protection, seed technology matters more than ever before, he says.

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