Much of southern Ontario received another well-timed rain this week — well-timed for filling out corn and soybeans, which has RealAg agronomist Peter Johnson celebrating on this week’s.
There’s also good news coming from the wheat harvest, with average to above average yields in “managed” fields north of London — even a report of 135+ bushels/acre. Wheat harvest is in the home stretch and all but done south of London.
Have a question for Wheat Pete? Call 1-888-746-3311 or send him a tweet @wheatpete.
It’s getting late to put summer-seeded alfalfa into cereal crop residue, notes Wheat Pete, as he explains it should be planted by August 20th at the latest to build large enough roots to survive winter. He stresses the importance of spraying out volunteer wheat (ie. those fusarium-infected kernels blown through the combine) prior to establishing any alfalfa-grass mix.
Soil sampling season is beginning with wheat harvest wrapping up. With soil test results, Peter stresses the importance of calculating removal rates over the last 3-4 years to determine what’s happening with nutrient levels through your rotation, noting now might be the time to boost phosphorus levels.
From there Wheat Pete gets into some of the topics submitted by listeners, including questions surrounding variable lodging in spring cereals, pre-vs-post harvest glyphosate to control sow thistle in soybeans and more on burr cucumber control timing.
Check back for another episode of Wheat Pete’s Word next Wednesday — August 19th!
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