2015 U.S. Farm Progress Show Wrap Up with Bern Tobin


If you’ve never been to the U.S. Farm Progress Show, it’s hard to envision the scope and scale of it. But it is a fair trek for many Canadian farmers, so instead of expecting all of you to head there, RealAgriculture’s Bernard Tobin went south to capture the highlights of this three-day machinery-palooza.

FullSizeRenderIn this audio interview recorded on Bern’s way home from Decatur, Shaun Haney gets the goods on the eye-catching exhibits, the pomp and circumstance of new product roll-outs, Bern’s top tips for making the most of the show, and the all-important quesiton, “What’s for lunch?”

Stay tuned for all of Bern’s coverage of the show — a whopping 17 videos! They’ll be posted here.

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