A wise person once told me that the key to being productive was to make your toughest call first thing in the morning. Whether it’s an important sales call, broaching a difficult problem or delivering bad news, it’s best to get it out of the way so you can move on with your day without the dread of having to do that “one thing.”
A few weeks ago, I had to do exactly this, and I’d be lying if I said it wasn’t the hardest phone call of my career.
What loomed so large? Moving on from RealAgriculture.
In my three years here as editor of RealAgriculture, I haven’t just learned new skills (never in my wildest dreams did I ever envision myself conducting interviews on camera), but I’ve also expanded my personal and professional circle beyond anything I could have imagined. Leaving my team is hard enough — the decision to step away from this community is harder still.
When I started out as a farm writer over a decade ago, I had no idea I’d eventually get to a place where I not only had the honour and privilege of telling your stories, but I’d also be in a position to speak on matters of utmost importance, like sticking up for this essential industry.
I’ve been humbled by the passion, enthusiasm, and devotion so many have for farming, food and agriculture. I have been amazed and inspired by the resourcefulness and resiliency of farmers, especially in the face of a less-than-adoring public. I have felt purposeful and helpful in navigating a complex and emotionally charged political landscape here in Ontario, and for that I am thankful.
I am forever grateful for having had this opportunity to serve farmers and this industry as a member of the media. It was never my career intention, but it turned out far better than I could have ever designed.
It’s time for something new. If we’ve ever met, you could likely guess that it’s tough for me to stay still. As a retiring Dave Wreford once said, “30 years of deadlines was enough.” Thirteen isn’t 30, but I’ve heard the call to serve agriculture and farmers in a new capacity, and I’m going to heed it and make the most of my time here in Ottawa.
The future for RealAgriculture is so very bright, many think I’ve gone just a little off in my decision to move on from here. But I also know that the RealAgriculture team is talented, passionate, and committed to maintaining and building what I’ve been a part of these last three years. There are exciting plans in the works for this company, and I for one can’t wait to see them all unfold. But this time as a member of this community, just like you.
Until our paths cross again,