The Canadian Federation of Agriculture is hosting an agriculture debate, today, in Ottawa. Follow along on Twitter: #AgDebate, #Elxn42Ag.
In attendance:
- Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food, Hon.Gerry Ritz
- Malcolm Allen, NDP Agriculture Critic
- Mark Eyking, Liberal Agriculture Critic
- Andrew West, Green Party candidate for Kanata-Carleton
- Yves Lessard, Bloc Québécois candidate for Beloeil-Chambly
- Andrew Campbell, farmer, #farm365 initiator, RealAgriculture contributor, FreshAir Media
From the Debate:
Protestors out front of #agdebate . I cannot read french so no idea what is the problem.
— RealAgriculture (@realagriculture) September 30, 2015
The signs read: “Strong and United for Supply Management”
CFA AG Debate about to get underway. #agdebate. Key issue for Produce PACA like trust in Canada. #canpaca
— Ron Lemaire (@CPMA_Ron) September 30, 2015
11:00 Andrew opens up, introduces everyone and informs audience that the debate will be available later on CPAC.
No surprises early, Bloc rep states they will protect supply management #agdebate
— RealAgriculture (@realagriculture) September 30, 2015
The National #agdebate has begun! Opening statements happening now. #elxn42ag @CFAFCA @FreshAirFarmer — Jess Campbell (@runfarmgirlrun) September 30, 2015
11:07am Malcolm Allen, NDP Agriculture Critic, talks about the importance of railways, support of supply management “without equivocation.”
Canadian accents. That’s what I’ve taken away from the #AgDebate thus far. — Amy-Jean MacLean (@shamyjean) September 30, 2015
Eyking: Govt was too late to help farmers during grain backlog. Food safety in jeopardy. BRM cuts don’t help farmers. #AgDebate #elxn42ag — Karen Briere (@kjbriere) September 30, 2015
#elxn42 #AgDebate Liberal talking bout cuts 2 res. stations, poor relat w US/impact on beef, hits to SM, transpo backlogs, risk mgmt, youth — Wendy Holm (@wendyholm) September 30, 2015
#Agdebate begins with 3 min intros. So far: NDP staunchly supports SM. Liberals come out swinging at current gov’t. — Lyndsey Smith (@realloudlyndsey) September 30, 2015
11:14am Andrew West, Green Party candidate for Kanata-Carleton, says Green Party wants to see a shift away from biotechnology research. Will provide assistance to those transitioning to organic farming.
West (green party) – domestic food security is important, as well as cutting subsidies to oil sands. #agdebate — RealAgriculture (@realagriculture) September 30, 2015
#elxn42 #AgDebate GREEN. Support infrastructure, look at TPP re SM, move fm biotechnology to small scale sustainable, promo agribusiness. — Wendy Holm (@wendyholm) September 30, 2015
11:17am Malcolm Allen, NDP Agriculture Critic, says we’ve seen defunding for public research, close of research stations and move of field trials. Need to stop the drain of letting good scientists go, re-instate jobs, re-open stations, re-open the libraries that have closed. Research can’t just sit in a lab, on a shelf somewhere.
11:19am Andrew West, Green Party candidate for Kanata-Carleton, says Green party would eliminate funding for GMO products, cut all federal biotech funding, which would save $1.1M. Would support rapid expansion to organic agriculture.
11:21am Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food, Hon.Gerry Ritz, says still funding basic research, and since 2006, $3.4B in public ag research. Says scientists have retired, but at the end of the day, hiring as needed. Biotech certainly is the answer moving forward. Says organic burns more diesel fuel, and biotech use is the only way to keep up with trade.
Clearly 2 versions to the story on research, Ritz disagrees with the rest of the panel #agdebate
— RealAgriculture (@realagriculture) September 30, 2015
I think there should be an ability for panelists to fact check each other. Lots of truth stretching present and its only 25 min in #agdebate
— Shaun Haney (@shaunhaney) September 30, 2015
Eyking would listen to farmers, work more actively with farm groups & farm leaders, starting with investing more in research. #agdebate — Lisa Skierka (@skielark) September 30, 2015
Allen (ndp): Farmers are demanding more public research #agdebate — RealAgriculture (@realagriculture) September 30, 2015
Allen (ndp): Farmers are demanding more public research #agdebate — RealAgriculture (@realagriculture) September 30, 2015
Did the NDP guy just say he talked to farmers from coast to coast to coast? Who’s farming in Nunavut? #agdebate — Viren D’souza™ (@Milkabot) September 30, 2015
11:27am Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food, Hon.Gerry Ritz, lists “clusters” as successes in research.
Ritz feels government has committed to research with clusters. As demands evolves so to will programs #agdebate — Ron Lemaire (@CPMA_Ron) September 30, 2015
An Ritz comes back swinging against NDP and their claims on lack of funding. All of a sudden forages are a focus #didnotseethatcoming — RealAgriculture (@realagriculture) September 30, 2015
Farmers across the country tell me they need public research. We need a better balance between public and private. #cdnag #agdebate — Malcolm Allen (@NDPMalcolmAllen) September 30, 2015
West: asks Ritz re funding for crop rotations, non pesticide management, etc. #AgDebate #elxn42ag — Karen Briere (@kjbriere) September 30, 2015
Next question is from @3jfarm from Enchant AB and its about labor. #agdebate
— RealAgriculture (@realagriculture) September 30, 2015
11:32am Andrew West, Green Party candidate for Kanata-Carleton, says Green Party wants labour standards. Would eliminate temporary foreign workers program. 11:33am Minister Ritz says most farm operations now have year-round work. Says they’ve made changes to Express Entry System in 2011. Also working with provincial partners to offer programs pertinent to agriculture. Farmers need a number of varied skills, hoping to turn out skilled students. 11:34am Mark Eyking, Liberal Agriculture Critic, says Greens aren’t right with wanting to ban foreign labour.
Eyking: The TFWP was a greta program but the government let everyone in and wrecked it. #agdebate — RealAgriculture (@realagriculture) September 30, 2015
Green Party says they’d cut TFW, Eyking says they’re totally off base, but TFW program has gotten out of hand. #agdebate — Amy-Jean MacLean (@shamyjean) September 30, 2015
Allen: Why are we running full-time workers through a TFW program? Need to treat agriculture workers better & give them status. #agdebate
— Lisa Skierka (@skielark) September 30, 2015
Bloc: Agriculture needs temp foreign workers. He is propping up the Quebec system for this. #agdebate
— RealAgriculture (@realagriculture) September 30, 2015
Lessard: in Que, farmers must ID what labour they need and if not available locally, need foreign workers. #AgDebate #elxn42ag — Karen Briere (@kjbriere) September 30, 2015
11:41am Green Party clarifies that they want fair treatment of all workers, including temporary foreign workers.
Green Party’s West clarifies doesn’t want to shut out TFW, want to ensure they are treated fairly #agdebate — Arden Esqueda (@arden_esqueda) September 30, 2015
Eyking says TFW pay isn’t the issue, it’s that they should have a pathway to becoming citizens. Different farms/different needs. #agdebate — Lisa Skierka (@skielark) September 30, 2015
It appears that the majority of the panel want the TFW to become citizens or get landed status . TFW is very important #agdebate
— RealAgriculture (@realagriculture) September 30, 2015
11:45am Justin Williams, Ontario dairy farmer, asks how the parties will address the lack of interest in agriculture from youth.
Justin Williams/Ont asked question about next generation of Canadian farmers. Ag career promotion slipping through cracks… #agdebate — D. Pretty-Straathof (@prettystraathof) September 30, 2015
Eyking: We are very well positioned to expand food production youth are key to that #agdebate
— RealAgriculture (@realagriculture) September 30, 2015
Liberals will invest in supporting next generation of youth in Ag & fund training that is needed #AgDebate #elxn42Ag #elxn42 — Christina Crowley (@CCrowleyArklie) September 30, 2015
Bloc: Youth is the engine to long term sustainability of agriculture #agdebate — RealAgriculture (@realagriculture) September 30, 2015
Lib Eyking say improved inter-generational transfer system needs to be improved to keep families in biz. #agdebate — Mike Raine (@MikeJRaine) September 30, 2015
Ritz says new beginning farmers growing 8% per year #agDebate — Arden Esqueda (@arden_esqueda) September 30, 2015
Ritz says ongoing discussion surrounding attracting youth, continue to fund youth development programs like @4HCanada #AgDebate — Arden Esqueda (@arden_esqueda) September 30, 2015
Allen: disconnect now because people aren’t growing up on farms. Community college in his region has a brewery, winery, culinary. #AgDebate — Karen Briere (@kjbriere) September 30, 2015
Allen: disconnect now because people aren’t growing up on farms. Community college in his region has a brewery, winery, culinary. #AgDebate — Karen Briere (@kjbriere) September 30, 2015
11:55am Yves Lessard, Bloc Québécois candidate for Beloeil-Chambly, says cuts to Growing Forward have weakened the ability of young people to get started in agriculture.
11:57am Andrew West, Green Party candidate for Kanata-Carleton, says he’s part of the problem of the disconnect, because he just was never interested. Says hopes to develop a council of Canadians to find ways to make it more profitable for young people to enter the industry.
11:58am Question from New Brunswick – Some ecological goods and services play a role in environment, but can mean taking land out of agriculture production. What approach would your government take to promote biodiversity on working landscapes, if elected?
12:00pm Minister Gerry Ritz says need to ensure regulations based on sound science, not knee-jerk. Says put funding into Ducks Unlimited and Nature Conservancy.
Now we’re talking biodiversity. Ritz says “nutrient management” used to be called spreading manure. Makes HoC joke. #agdebate
— Lisa Skierka (@skielark) September 30, 2015
Eyking: farmers are best stewards. Libs would spend $200m on land and water management. #AgDebate #elxn42ag — Karen Briere (@kjbriere) September 30, 2015
12:03pm Eyking brings up PFRA cancelling, community pastures closed. “What we do not need to be doing is closing these things that are working well.” Talks about biodigesters, windmills. Need government that is going to invest in, and partner with, these farms. 12:04pm West – Says the party wants to look to have credits that reward producers for clean water, air and biodiversity protection. Would like to start educating farmers on the benefits that habitat protection has, while also not allowing further losses to farm land. 12:05pm Lessard – Says the Bloc wants to support model initiatives.
Lessard: should be a biodiversity fund for programs. #AgDebate — Karen Briere (@kjbriere) September 30, 2015
12:07pm Ritz defends pastures, PFRA exists but in a different capacity. Says trees are still available, just not free, like they were. Very few trees being planted in western Canada because continuous cropping protects from erosion. 12:08 Allan – Turns conversation to species at risk.
Allen talks species at risk & need to work with farmers on compensation, for example with issue of taking land out of production. #agdebate — Lisa Skierka (@skielark) September 30, 2015
12:10pm Eyking – Asks Ritz why farmers are complaining about loss of PFRA if it, according to Ritz, has just been transitioned.
Eyking and Ritz debates cuts to ag funding. Ritz has “no idea” why people are complaining about cuts. #agdebate — Lisa Skierka (@skielark) September 30, 2015
12:11pm Question
Next Question in the #agdebate around social license and sharing agriculture’s story. #ageducation — Agriculture for Life (@4AgForLife) September 30, 2015
Lessard: Cdn regs compromise farmers’ efforts. Bloc favours food safety, proper inspection. #AgDebate #elxn42ag — Karen Briere (@kjbriere) September 30, 2015
12:14pm Lessard says standards for food must be upheld, including labeling GMOs. 12:15pm Eyking compliments egg farmers on working with consumers. Says CFIA cuts don’t give consumers confidence, wants to see inspectors and food processors work together. 12:17pm Ritz talks about the organic equivalency requirements. Companies like McDonald’s Canada working with Canadian farmers. Ritz says A&W boasting without added hormones hiding the fact that it’s 7 year old beef from Uruguay. 12:19pm Allan says we need a social license. Consumers need confidence that policy is a gold standard, so they don’t need to listen to retailer rhetoric. Says need a public inspection agency to help assure consumers that their food is safe.
Allen: Who sets the bar? Have to do it with farm groups, agribusiness. Govt should set standards, not retailers who are marketing. #AgDebate — Karen Briere (@kjbriere) September 30, 2015
12:21pm West – Green Party would chance livestock codes of practice from voluntary to mandatory. Would shorten distribution chain. Believe in 200km diet.
Bloc: The consumer is concerned & want healthy/clean food. We need enough inspectors. Especially for imports #AgDebate — Sarah Schultz (@NurseLovesFarmr) September 30, 2015
12:24pm Question – Dairy farmer asks if parties would invest in Agri-Invest and Agri-Stability programs.
Ritz: changes to BRM were under fed, prov agreement. Provs vote, feds don’t. #AgDebate #elxn42ag — Karen Briere (@kjbriere) September 30, 2015
12:26pm – Ritz says right in the midst of GF2 and review underway to see if the programs need to be changed. 12:27pm – West says these programs put burdens on taxpayer. If Canada wants tax cuts, then AgriStability doesn’t work. If Canada wants to focus on exports, need to subsidize agriculture. Green Party suggests diversifying to subsidize own farms. Would abandon AgriStability and would replace with protections and promotions for farmers. Need to get rid of trade agreements that don’t work with Canada.
Green Party: farmers need to subsidize themselves by diversifying… The rest of the panel pretty much started shaking their heads #agdebate — RealAgriculture (@realagriculture) September 30, 2015
Allen: Farmers tell him AgriSTability is useless. Need to figure out what works, what farmers need, build a program. #AgDebate — Karen Briere (@kjbriere) September 30, 2015
12:32pm Ritz says significant chances to AgriStability so farmers can get a cash advance. APP no longer tied to the commodity, so you’re not forced to sell your commodity to make your payment in a timely way. 12:34pm Lessard says we need to make these programs stronger, by consolidating them, to ensure stability of youth on land. Propose the allowance of transfers to other members of the family, who are less than 40 years old. 12:35pm Todd Clark, Saskatchewan — Trade deals are only beneficial to farmers if appropriate infrastructure in place. If elected, what would your party do to ensure farmers have proper tools to thrive in domestic and international markets. 12:37pm Lessard – Both have to be supported and should not compete with each other. There should be no giving in to supply management. Talking beef/dairy: if there’s one to be protected, the other must also be protected. Asks Minister Ritz if his party will keep supply management.
Bloc: will Feds commit to SM intact? And if not will other parties pledge 2 vote together to oppose? #AgDebate #elxn42 — Wendy Holm (@wendyholm) September 30, 2015
12:29pm – Allen: One thing is absolutely certain: supply management programs are on the bargaining table.
Allen talks need to compensate sectors if something is lost in trade agreement. Sees clearly that supply management is on table. #agdebate — Lisa Skierka (@skielark) September 30, 2015
12:42pm Eyking asks Minister Ritz if supply management is on the table. 12:43pm Ritz says everything starts on the table and is negotiated from there. SM will benefit from CETA agreement. “We value that [SM] system.” Yes, it’s a secret deal, says Ritz. Why would we negotiate through major media? Already get enough “twisting in the wind” from mainstream media.
Ritz: we do not negotiate through the CBC, they don’t tell us their salaries, why would we tell the CBC what we are negotiating #agdebate — RealAgriculture (@realagriculture) September 30, 2015
West: biggest barrier to trade is high dollar. If s-m removed, can’t be replaced. #AgDebate — Karen Briere (@kjbriere) September 30, 2015
12:47pm Eyking says CETA not actually official yet, so why talking about the benefits to dairy? Says putting all things on the table is a way you lose. What you do, is put what you want on the table. If you put it on the table, that’s a guarantee you’ll lose some of it. The fatal flaw, this government does in negotiations. Negotiations should be quiet, yes, but Canadians should know goals of what you want to do.
Now Allen has some emotion in his voice as he speaks about negotiating TPP and supply management. #agdebate — RealAgriculture (@realagriculture) September 30, 2015
12:49pm Closing Comments
A webcast version of this debate will be available at a later date.