Diversity in the Workplace — Is the Agriculture Industry “Gender Blind?”


In 2009, 51.2% of Canada’s business and financial professionals were women, according to Statistics Canada, well up from the 38.3% in 1987. But, there’s still room for movement into managerial positions, with 37% of those roles being filled by women, and only 31.6% in senior managerial roles (both up from 30.1% and 21%, respectively, in 1987).

Find more from the Advancing Women in Ag Conferences here

Some companies work harder than others to promote gender diversity and bring those numbers into balance in the workplace. In this interview, Shaun Haney speaks with the sponsors of RealAg’s coverage of the Advancing Women in Agriculture Conference — DuPont Pioneer. He asks Bianca Ferrari Souza and Collin Phillip why gender diversity is so important to companies like DuPont, what the company does to encourage diversity and whether or not the industry is becoming “gender blind.”


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