Wheat Pete’s Word — Special Edition, Oct 21: Throwing Stones, Armageddon and Ontario’s Neonicotinoid Regulations


“It’s a true lesson for all of agriculture,” says Peter Johnson in this week’s special edition of Wheat Pete’s Word. “When we start throwing stones at each other, all we do is a disservice to the whole industry…”

In this episode of Wheat Pete’s Word, host Peter Johnson catches us all up to speed on the rules and regulations around the use of neonicotinoid-treated seed for Ontario’s 2016 growing season.

“It’s all about having the paperwork in order,” Johnson says.

And, indeed, there’s a lot of paperwork, but essentially, it boils down to these options for 2016 planting:

  1. Use alternatives to neonicotinoid-treated seed or fungicide-only.
  2. Fill out a Seed Amount Declaration for your sales representative, seed vendor or custom seed treater if you plan to use neonicotinoids on ?50% of your total corn or soybean crop.
  3. Complete a pest assessment and fill out the Pest Assessment Report for your sales representative, seed vendor or custom seed treater if you plan to use neonicotinoids on >50% of your total corn or soybean crop.

On and after August 31, 2016, farmers wanting to use any amount of neonicotinoid-treated seeds will have to complete integrated pest management (IPM) training, complete a Pest Assessment Report and sign the IPM Written Declaration Form.

IPM training is free until September 2016.

Corn School: 4 Options for Ordering Treated Seed this Fall
Fortenza on its way to Ontario for the 2016 Growing Season
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