Canola School: Ignoring the Outlier Growing Season


We’ve focused a lot of attention on the site over this year’s unusual growing conditions, and we’ve heard a lot of producers comment on surprising yields at harvest.

“We went through May and June with record drought in many parts of Alberta and Saskatchewan,” says Alberta Agriculture and Forestry Murray Hartman in the following video, “and then the rains came, and with canola being quite a forgiving crop…we ended up with some pretty respectable yields.”

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Murray Hartman, oilseed specialist with Alberta Agriculture & Forestry, in conversation with RealAgriculture’s Shaun Haney at the Canola Discovery Forum in Canmore, AB.

But we shouldn’t use this year’s late (or re-) seeded acres as a signal to change our tactics for next year, cautions Hartman.

You shouldn’t be planning your management techniques for the odd years.

It’s okay to marvel about canola’s plasticity this year, but then, maybe “forget about it.”



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