Agritechnica 2015: STEP Aims to Give Ag Exporters a Leg Up


Many of the Canadian companies who participated in Agritechnica — the world’s largest ag trade show — in Germany last month were there as part of a delegation led by the Saskatchewan Trade and Export Partnership, also known as STEP.

As president and CEO Chris Dekker explains below, STEP is a unique private-public partnership that receives funding from the Saskatchewan government and more than 400 private members.

“With Saskatchewan being one of the export-dependent provinces in one of the most export-dependent countries in the world, we have to be very good at it. We’re basically a trade promotion organization,” he explains.

The STEP-organized delegation at Agritechnica ’15 included 21 exhibitors covering more than 1,600 square metres.

Related: Agritechnica 2015: Canadian Companies Reaching Farmers Around the World

The agency estimates the presence of Western Canadian companies at this year’s show will result in a potential $50 to 100 million in sales over the next two years.

Dekker discusses STEP’s role, who they work with and some of the common questions international customers have about Canada and Saskatchewan:

Watch more from Agritechnica ’15


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