This week’s Word starts off with comments and feedback from last week’s rant on tillage. Peter Johnson, resident agronomist for RealAgriculture and host of this weekly podcast, discusses tillage, late nitrogen on corn, and so much more.
Have a question for Wheat Pete? Call 1-888-746-3311, send him a tweet (@wheatpete), or email him at [email protected].
- The Three T’s — Things. Take. Time.
- Everybody has to calculate their own costs.
- Ploughing things after three years is probably the worst case scenario. Don’t bring up the subsoil.
- In corn, 37% of nitrogen is taken up post-tassel. So, late nitrogen application good in corn, whether silage or grain.
- The problem with ESN: It’s highly dependent on time and temperature. Variable results.
- Top-dressing versus side-dressing urea on corn.
- To Agrotain or not to Agrotain.
- Split-nitrogen on wheat ALERT. When we make urea in North America, manufacturers take biuret out before selling…Offshore manufacturers aren’t as worried…
- Infinity on wheat December 5 — Can I grow red clover?
- Now, spend some time with family and friends. It’s good for you, and it’s good for them.
- SouthWest Agricultural Conference (Jan 5-6, 2016)
- Corn School: How UAV Maps Make $ense for Nitrogen Application
- Beef Research School: Make the Most of Manure Applications
- Moving Brown Gold Underground — Study Finds Hog Manure Pipeline Probably Possible, but Expensive
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