This week at FarmTech we had the unique opportunity to talk to Terry O’Reilly, the host of CBC’s Under the Influence. Terry wowed the crowd with his insightful look at the power of storytelling.
After the keynote, I heard a surprising number of RealAg fans sheepishly mention that they listen to CBC radio. Now, it’s not the fact that they listen to CBC radio that is surprising, but the reluctance with which they admit it…
“I hate to admit this but I listen to CBC radio.”
“This may sound strange, but I watch The National.”
“I never tell anyone, but I love to listen to CBC radio in the background when I work.”
“Does it make me a liberal if I listen to CBC?”
These were real comments. I had to give hugs and assurances that admitting and accepting your issue is the first step in the recovery process.
Similar to our Starbucks vs Tim Hortons poll, it’s time to find out how many of you enjoy the pleasure of CBC (radio or television), whether it be in the open or behind closed doors away from your friends and family. Why or why not? Feel free to explain in the comment section below: