Since visiting Agritechnica in November, I have been sharing presentations on some of the cool innovations and products in agriculture. One of the most popular topics to discuss is the opportunity of autonomous tractors. The autonomous tractor product example that I chat about with audiences is the Greenbot. We’ve also seen Manitoba farmer Matt Reimer receive plenty of attention for his do-it-yourself autonomous tractor.
There have been some very interesting discussions among the audiences across Western Canada. These two comments were from two different farmers, both about 60 years old:
“I hate this idea of driverless tractors. As a farmer I do all my great thinking and planning while behind a windshield of the tractor. I would be sad and worse off if I had to give it up.”
“I cannot wait, I am 60 years old and when I think back to how many hours I have wasted behind a wheel driving the tractor it upsets me. I could of been doing so many other things that would make my farm more money.”
See more Agritechnica coverage
So what do you think? Please vote in this week’s poll: do you look forward to autonomous (driverless) tractors?