Techtour: John Deere Brings Synchronization to Forage Equipment


John Deere wins at the Agritechnica’s 2015 Innovation Awards had RealAgriculture representatives hopping in Hanover, Germany in November. You’ve already seen footage from their ProCut technology and their GoHarvest combine simulation system. In this episode of the TechTour, we move over to forage production, and Deere’s “Active Fill Control Sync” (AFC Sync).

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“The starting point of the system is an automatic trailer filling system,” John Deere’s Peter Lauer tells Shaun Haney in the interview included below. “So we get the stereo camera, mounted on our unloading spout, and this stereo camera…recognizes the edges of the trailer.”

The Active Fill Control camera detects trailer edges and fills it evenly, without spillage. © Deere & Company
The Active Fill Control camera detects trailer edges and fills it evenly, without spillage. © Deere & Company

Using the information gathered from the spout camera, combined with GPS data from both the trailer and the forage harvester, the system automatically positions the chute, and synchronizes both units.

In current harvesting systems, an operator has many tasks to focus on. S/he has to maintain the same path as the trailer operator, operate the machine at its highest efficiency and constantly monitor and adjust the spout (without spilling or overloading).

“This is all good…for one hour or two hours, but he does that sixteen hours a day in main season,” Lauer says. Through AFC Sync, the operator can have a break from constant neck-craning, and overall fatigue.

AFC Sync is an available option for 8000 series forage harvesters (model year 2016 and newer).


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