Round one of fungicide application is done, but it’s starting to wear off and conditions are still conducive for disease. Knowing what your peas and/or lentils are worth this year, do you take the sprayer out or hire a plane for a second fungicide application?
It’s a scenario growers in parts of Western Canada are finding themselves in, wondering how far they should go to protect the crop.
As Robyne Bowness, pulse research scientist with Alberta Agriculture and Forestry, explains in this instalment of the Pulse School, the same factors that go into the initial fungicide decision should be considered when looking at round two, ie. the presence of the pathogen and the right environmental conditions.
Depending on the product, weather conditions post-application and whether the active ingredient ended up in the vicinity of the the target, a fungicide should offer five to 10 days of protection — maybe 14 days in ideal circumstances, she says.
“If you are successful at getting small droplets into the canopy and the fungicide has really good coverage, you’re more likely to have it last longer, obviously,” notes Bowness, referring to Tom Wolf’s tips for getting fungicide into thick pulse canopies.
Watch more Pulse School videos here!
Check out this video for a walk-through of how to assess disease risk in pulses and how to decide whether to spray a fungicide, for either the first or second time:
Related Pulse School episodes:
- Maintain the Upper Hand on Diseases — Preventing Fungicide Resistance
- Tom Wolf’s Tips for Effective Fungicide Application
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