RealAg Radio, Dec 5: Agronomy Monday, StatsCan Preview & Christmas Baking Hangovers


We debut our new agronomy-themed Monday show on RealAg Radio this week.

Bern Tobin endures a Christmas baking hangover to join co-host Kelvin Heppner, highlighting the newly-crowned Canada’s Outstanding Young Farmers for 2016 and previewing plans and themes for the upcoming busy agronomic conference season.

Topics and guests on today’s show include Sheri Strydhorst on variety-specific wheat treatments, Helmut Speiser on grain bin venting design and Murray Hartman on whether canola seeding rates should be lowered.

Tune in each weekday to SiriusXM’s Rural Radio Channel 147 at 4 p.m. (eastern) to hear the day’s show!


Categories: Podcasts / RealAg Radio

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